Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Movie Reflection 1: Rebel

The thing that struck out to me most about Anthony’s film, Rebel, was the editing of the actual footage. The opening scene immediately caught my attention because of how it was edit, specifically the overall aesthetic the film shared and the soundtrack put behind it. Both aspects reminded me of underground independent films, which I often appreciate much more than big budgeted movies. I am sure a lot of time and energy was put into giving Rebel that overall “indie, underground” vibe to it, and it sure paid off. I tend to think it is fantastic and admirable when the director of a film is not only the director. Anthony was capable of pulling all of his strength to directing, writing, producing, and acting in Rebel. This also captured my attention because I was able to see his true talent, which we do not always get the opportunity to do so. The overall message that I walked away from the film with was that one should not let their backgrounds dictate their future. It is always better to rise above from what you know and do better than your surroundings. I often do not see this happen in Philadelphia, unfortunately, but at Rush it is very much so apparent. I think Rebel did a great job with representing our student body, whether it be how gifted we are or how the themes revealed are also apparent in our community.